John D. Giorgis wrote:

>Only *one* Brin-L poster bothered to object to this incredibly insulting
>and slanderous comment.   This second poster did not attack the first
>poster, but simply asked if the first post ever felt guilty about casting
>such incredibly vicious insults when, by her own admission, without
>actually keeping up on the situation.
>4) This second Brin-L poster then reserves twice as many criticisms for his
>post (2) than the original poster received for hers (1).

Not very fair, is it? But then again, as my parents are fond of reminding 
me, *life's* not fair.

I didn't ask people to defend me. It's nice of them, and I appreciate it, 
but I've got lots and lots of teeth of my own. As most of you know. <grin>

For the record, I didn't object to your language. I'm thick skinned, and 
people have called me far worse than that. I objected to your responding 
to the emotional overtones of the post, rather than the issues I was 
bringing up. 

Maybe I phrased it badly: I'm in a hurry most of the time these days, and 
I'm also pretty heavily depressed. But I *am* interested in what you've 
got to say, or I wouldn't have posted. 

>Conclusion: If anyone ever wants another Brin-L poster to take their
>friendly advice and criticism towards that poster seriously, offer that
>advice/criticism in private, not on-list in front of that poster's friends
>and the entire community.  Another good idea is to avoid the appearance of
>hypocrisy whenever dispensing advice/criticism to anybody, as that
>appearance can certainly alter the reception of that advice/criticism. 

Please don't. I'm allergic to off-list posting; it always seems to lead 
to trouble. Besides, the fun of this is that it *is* a public forum. 
Sharks and stuff.

Hope this was clear; I've got to run and write a paper now -

Kat Feete

Do not needlessly endanger your lives until I
give you the signal.
         --Dwight D. Eisenhower


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