At 20:18 26-09-2002 -0500, Robert Seeberger wrote:

>  According to the EPA, there are 6 measures of air pollution. Houston's
>  violation was on only one measure; ground-level ozone. In 1999 and
>  2000 it was higher than other cities on this one measure, and for the
>  first time higher than Los Angeles. However, there are 5 other
>  measures of air pollution, and several cities (including Los Angeles)
>  violate at least 2 of these.

I wonder how they would compare to the air quality in Bangkok (which IMO 
must be lethal to asthma patients). The Lonely Planet website describes it 
as "the steamy soupy diesel mixture that passes for air in this 
city".   <SHUDDER>

Been there. Breathed it. Miraculously survived it.

Jeroen "That was not a joke" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:         


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