At 05:42 PM 9/27/02, Alberto Monteiro wrote:
> >There is a serious flaw in (...) Windows (...)

Anyone notice that I was quieter than usual this past week?

My system crashed Sunday afternoon.

After everything short of that failed, I reinstalled Windows.  Finally, not 
long before midnight Thursday night, on at least the fifth or sixth 
attempted re-install, it finally worked, at least well enough for me to get 
back on-line and download the some 1900+ e-mail messages which had 
accumulated.  There are still some things which don't work exactly right, 
which I hope will not cause another crash before I can get them 
straightened out . . .

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
         --Dr. Jerry Pournelle

  • VPN The Fool
    • Re: VPN Alberto Monteiro
      • Ronn Blankenship

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