--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> [I wrote:]
> << as a cat-lover who is in
>  fact allergic to cats (though much less as the
> years pass! :D), >>
> I did a close inspection of a used SF book I had
> just picked up. Almost every 
> page had a white long hair sticking out of the
> bottom edge.
> Was it a cat lover who loved science fiction, or a
> cat who loved the cat 
> lover while the cat lover read science fiction? Did
> the cat love science fiction?

<G>  Yes, I'm sure!
My cats _do_ seem to like marking my books while I'm
reading (that's rubbing with their cheeks...not their
tails! :P).  

Some people have dust bunnies, others dust rhinos;
mine are dust dinos.   :)

> Some SCAers have to be careful armouring,
> or they could wind up with a felined helmet.

I know one who regularly used to threaten to turn his
two black cats into a pair of gauntlets.  ;)

Children Of A Greater Purr Maru

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