on 24/11/02 11:45 pm, John D. Giorgis at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> At 01:57 PM 11/24/2002 -0600 The Fool wrote:
>> As long as there are people who believe these kinds of things, whether
>> they are christians, jews, islamists, hindus or whatever, (and I know
>> plenty of people with this kind of worldview personally), the human race
>> is headed for extinction.  It is only a matter of time before the
>> fanatics do us all in.
> What of people who hold pacifist religous views?
> Using Osama bin Laden to make a statement about the general characteristics
> of religion is beyond ludicrous.

Is it? Quakers and other pacifist religions are a tiny minority. The
'general characteristics' of religion could be described with the pacifists
as a footnote.[1]

[1] Just rebutting your 'beyond ludicrous' without claiming that massacring
the heathen/infidel/non-believer is the normal pattern of theocracies.

William T Goodall


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