Dan Minette wrote:

The real risk in this is not that the US will fight Europe.  Its that
Europe will become marginalized, and the US will operate without
constraints or effective feedback.

I think this ignores (and I think Kagan ignored it too) the infiltration of Europe through its southern borders. Enormous numbers of middle eastern, near eastern and north african migrants are swarming into Europe, and bringing their high birth rates with them. The US is obviously experiencing this at a higher rate of course, but the fact is that Europe will become less "european" in the years to come, just as the US does.

I'm guessing, but I suspect that these migrants won't integrate into European society as well as the American immigrants, and regional ethnic clusters will form in sufficient size to allow political representation in those countries with suffrance (sp?). I can't pretend to make predictions about these things, but I see the possibility of Europe creating enemies to her south by restricting this infiltration, increasing her reliance on the US. I also see the possibility of Europe becoming influenced (controlled?) by these (muslim) nations to where the US needs to maintain a defence capability against Europe much as it did against the USSR. (of course it is also possible that these immigrants will bring their disputes with them and spend eternity bickering with each other in their new homeland, and have no net effect at all).

Russell C.


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