The Fool posted:

> Asimov's "I, Robot" on the big screen at last... sort of (Culture)
> noodles  Sat Dec 7th, 2002 at 03:34:59 AM EST
> Yet another Hollywood travesty. I know a lot of folks out there must
> Asimov fans, so I thought you might want to know, a film called "I,
> Robot" is being made. But according to the news, it's NOT the
> treatment, and it's not the Asimov story, even adapted. The studio
> bought the rights to the name.


> The tragedy in all this is that Harlan Ellison wrote up
> an amazing screenplay based on "I, Robot" something like 20 years
ago and
> the studios have been refusing to move forward with it ever since.
> Something about actual quality seems to repel most Studio execs like
> garlic to a vampire. Go figure. In the early 90's, Ellison finally
> managed to at least get the screenplay published in book form and it
> excellent. It would be an amazing movie, and undoubtedly a
> Thanks to the special logic used by Hollywood execs, though, we may
> see it made.

Ellison's screenplay is brilliant - it manages to take the basic
stories of _I, Robot_ and weaves them into a larger mystery, making
excellent use of the character of Susan Calvin.

You know, in the 2050 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, they'll
describe the Fox Executives as "a bunch of mindless twits, and the
first up against the wall when the revolution came."

Adam C. Lipscomb
"Silence.  I am watching television."  - Spider Jerusalem


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