William Taylor wrote:
>>William Taylor wrote:
>>>Just wear a blue feather so that the color will clash with my red >>>one.
>>So does that mean I have to wear yellow?  Why does Robert get to 
>>be the Queen?
>>Oh, wait, never mind, answered my own question.  :-)
>A blue feather in a cap signifies Gay in the SCA. You'd have to 
>find a website for the history of it. Someone said he'd then wear 
>red for "Flaming Heterosexual" and that stuck. Yellow I don't know.

Someone write this down.  It appears that William "Obscure (Albeit On Topic) Uplift 
References Are My Life's Blood" Taylor just missed someone else's.  I think 
on-topicness coming from another listee may have thrown him.  :-)

William, I'm afraid as penance, you will be forced to write "I will reread _The Uplift 
War_" 100 times on the blackboard.  ^-^


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