Julia Thompson wrote:

Damon wrote:

Hi all,

Maybe y'all missed my question in my (in)famous return message, so I'll
repost here for the benefit of the guilty :P

I need to know the formula used to calculate flight time for a spacecraft
using the acceleration/deceleration method of space travel. Anyone know it?

Does anyone know offhand if this would be in Forward's
_Indistinguishable from Magic_?  If so, I have a copy somewhere upstairs
I could dig out.

I'm sure I have the info in *some* book or another, I'm just not sure
which one.  If anyone could throw out helpful suggestions for
books/authors they're pretty sure they saw it in but no longer have
access to, I could probably locate it more easily.


too damn tired to look it up herself if it's not narrowed down to 5

Don't we have a starship captain onboard?  Alberto, you there?




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