Horn, John wrote:

Last night I was putting my six year old daughter, Laura, to bed.  After
reading "The Grinch" and "Santa Cows", we turned out the light and snuggled
up together in bed.  We then had the following conversation:

Laura:  "Dad, do you know what I like best about Christmas?

John:  "No, what?"

Laura:  "The thing I like best about Christmas is being with my family."

John:  "That's my favorite too.  That and *getting stuff*."

Laura:  "I don't care about getting stuff.  That's just things we want.
What's best is seeing family we don't normally get to see.  And spending
time with our family.  We don't get to do that enough."

Here's wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New
Year, Happy Hanukkah (a bit late), Happy Kwanzaa, Super Solstice or whatever
it is you celebrate!

Nice thoughts, thank you.  And best (late) wishes to all of you.



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