At 10:40 PM 1/6/2003 -0600, you wrote:
Robert Seeberger wrote:

> Thats really a good question John. I mean really good.  I myself wonder why
> the most visible face that conservatism presents, that is, the one *I* see
> most regularly, most clearly, not only tolerates the kind of wackiness I'm
> ranting about, but seems to actually embrace it and present it as a virtue
> of the faithful.

Is the prevalence of this attitude perhaps regionally influenced?  I
know I wasn't hearing it in New England to anywhere *near* the extent I
hear it in Texas.

Agree somewhat. Or maybe he sees it most regularly and clearly because he's looking for it? While walking to work I look for people not wearing seat belts, talking on cell phones, not using turn signals and I see them all the time.

Kevin T.
Idiots everywhere


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