Russell Chapman wrote:

Doug Pensinger wrote:

Alpha Mails I remember are Ethain Lazh, Stefan Jones, JDG, Nicola, Steve Sloan, Gord, and of course Julia.

In terms of Nick's analysis of how many months at the top, Stefan would have to challenge Julia. Through all of 1996 and 1997 he was far and away the biggest poster on the list - daylight second.
He posted mostly one or two liners and had an excellent, subtle sense of humor. It was a shame when he dropped off the list. Is anyone still in contact with him? I know he is a sometime confidant of Dr. B and has appeared in the book credits more than once.

Ethain was a slightly liberal <G> Norwegian for whom the label L3 was coined (Lazh Like Length). He wouldn't have rivaled Gord for the ability to accumulate words though. Gord could make an L3 post in the time it takes me to write a few paragraphs. Amazing.


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