In a message dated 1/28/2003 1:37:30 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> But why not keep 
> > working with our allies and the U.N. and keep the pressure on Hussain 
> > while continuing to support internal dissent.   Actively seeking a 
> > peaceful solution has the potential of reaping all or most of the 
> > benefits of an immediate, preemptive attack and avoids the serious 
> > problems mentioned along with a few more I can think of including not 
> > having to rebuild the Iraqi infrastructure after it is 
> destroyed and 
> > the good will of the international community.

That would be fine if we could keep the pressure on Sadaam and get our allies to 
cooperate but this will be difficult. It is hard to sustain battle readiness for 
months at a time (and there can be no strategy for ousting Sadaam without the imminent 
threat of war). We would have to believe that our allies would support of if push came 
to shove but I am afraid that the french and the german governments will not support 
us for their own self serving and cynical reasons. Sadaam has lasted over 10 years 
since the last gulf war, why should he not last 10 more if we don't do something now. 
As to his threats against us; He has made them before when he was in a much better 
position to carry them out. I am afraid that unless his neighbors oust him we must go 

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