Robert Seeberger wrote:
>>PIG farmers have been told they must put TOYS inside every sty - or
>>serve up to three months in prison.
>As a practice it doesnt strike me as silly at all.
>As legislation it seems quite silly, especially when you visualise >a man in a suit 
>sporting a pig toy inspection badge.

It could be like Cops!  :)

Bad boys, bad boys, watcha gonna do??

*Midwest drawl*
Yeah, so we got a call that there's a pigpen up at Yasger's farm that are bein' 
deprived of their rugby ball and we gotta check it out.  Word is the pigs are gettin' 
antsy and a little depressed.  Y'know, nothin' messes up a good link o' sausage like 
the stink o' boredom.  So we gotta keep on eye on these guys, make sure the tailgate 
parties won't have any problems because o' bad brats.  It just ain't a Packers game 
without good brats.

So we check all the pens, make sure the pigs get to play around a while before we eat 
'em.  I had to bust a farmer just last week 'cause he hadn't replaced his pigs' 
kickball.  Them pigs played a mean game o' kickball, lemme tell you.
*Midwest drawl*


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