On Thu, 6 Feb 2003, John D. Giorgis wrote:

> >  Preemptive conquest and
> >nation-building looks a lot like colonialism to a lot of people,
> >especially the conquered.  
> What evidence do you have of this?     Does your statement here match what
> we know about the reactions of the people of Afghanistan or Serbia, to name
> the two most recent regimes changed by the US?

I'm thinking more of all those post-colonial regions of the earth who were
once occupied by people believing in their own god-given destiny and who
would have no reason to be thrilled by Bush's appropriation of this hoary
concept.  Bear in mind, please, that I have granted that good case can be
made for war in Iraq (although the case was a lot stronger 11-odd years
ago); a good case can also be made for delay.  I wish I could confidently
side with one view, but I can't.  It just seems to me that invoking
America's manifest destiny is a lousy way to make the former case to any
but the religious chauvanist core of the president's party.
> Out of curiosity, if you see a poor man being beaten on the street by a
> hoodlum to steal his wallet, what would you do?    Let's say that you have
> a baseball bat, and the hoodlum does not have a weapon.    Would you feel
> any moral obligation to assist the poor man whom you don't know?

Of coure.  But I wouldn't run through the neighborhood waving the bat 
about crying, "You're next!  And you're next!   And you're next!  God GAVE 
me this bat to whoop all your sorry hoodlum behinds!"
Marvin Long
Austin, Texas
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Poindexter & Ashcroft, LLP (Formerly the USA)



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