At 02:51 PM 2/26/2003 +0000, you wrote:
From: William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 2003 14:32:34 +0000

When my wife was doing a two-year computing course she had to learn COBOL. I'd never used COBOL, and when I saw it I found it close to incomprehensible.

You have to agree, though, that the *mother* of all incomprehensible programming languages has to be Assembly language.

This discussion on programming languages brings back memories!! One of the final programming exercises for my Assembler class was developing a "word processor" in Assembly code for the IBM 4361.

True, it was an interesting exercise in the sense that it helps develop logic and critical thinking skills, but giving birth to that baby was anything but a picinic. :)


I'll have to disagree with this. I've used Assembly language for three different systems. Once I learned it, the programming flew. And for me they were easy to learn. In fact I learned these way before I knew how a computer worked at the gate level. Once you put the two together, it was obvious. That's why I argued with someone* a while back over light computers. I didn't think they knew how a computer really works to just postulate that they will be the computing breakthrough that will use no energy and be faster.

Kevin T. - VRWC
*I know who


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