Rich wrote:

>> If you were sending books to a 25-year-old young man who's into punk,
>> skateboarding and such, who tends to always want to be very cool...
>> what science fiction would you recommend?

>I'd suggest Neal Stephenson's _Snow Crash_, Sterling's _Holy Fire_,
>Gibson's _Idoru_ and Reynolds' _Chasm City_.

S'bit of a late reply but my computer has well and truly given up on me. My
webmail has been complaining a lot (about 6 weeks worth of Culture, Brin-L,
MML mails = 7000 emails or so) and will undoubtedly die completely if I
don't remove the mails from my server so I'm downloading them to my Dad's

As for mine, my Dad replaced the memory, power supply and motherboard to no
avail. Since I have XP on there, replacing the processor or harddrive is
going to cause additional grief but neither of us can work out why it keeps
on crashing. Anyway.

I'd second Rich's recommendations of _Snow Crash_ and _Chasm City_ and would
add Michael Marshall Smith's _Only Forward_ to the list.

GSV 5000 Brin-L mails to go...


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