On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, Dan Minette wrote:

> Reading through the complaint, I think what they couldn't stand is a heated
> argument in the mall.  And, that's exactly what the person arrested was
> interested in.  I agree that he probably didn't start the arguement, but
> was happy when it started.
> Arguements in malls are bad for business.  I think you need look no further
> than Macy's wanting no distractions from the most important business of
> shopping at Macy's.

Lol. :)

Those are good points, but...so what if he was happy?  If he didn't start
it, why blame the shirt (if you're a mall cop) as opposed to the
individual(s) who couldn't abide the shirt?  Obviously *they* were happy
to have the argument, too.  And if they *started* the argument, then they 
were the cause of the problem.  Unless it's a magic argument-starting 
Peace Shirt +3 or something.

> example
> > > of people not being willing to put the effort into civility.
> >
> > ...? I must have missed this.
> Subject: From Sgt. Stryker's Weblog

Ah, that.  I hadn't made the connection.  Surely in this case the
harassers are equivalent to whoever started the argument, and not
necessarily the person wearing an object that identifies him in some way?

> IMHO, it is incumbent for each side of the political debate to strongly
> object to nasty tactics from those who they tend to agree with.


Marvin Long
Austin, Texas
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Poindexter & Ashcroft, LLP (Formerly the USA)



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