From: "G. D. Akin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Movie news
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2003 17:58:25 +0900

I just read the "News" portion of #308. Interesting info on
SF movies.

- A script is complete for Asimov's "Foundation"; to focus on "The Mule"
story arc.

Now that would be interesting. I vote for John Leguizamo to play the Mule. :)

Personally, I think that the Prelude to Foundation books would make better movies, though. (Besides, then Dr. Brin could have another book optioned.)

Perhaps Kevin Costner would be available to play Hari Seldon!!

Speaking of name-dropping, I saw Isaac Asimov at a book signing when I was quite young (under 10, i think) and have a couple of autographed copies of a couple of his non-fiction 'how do we know about' books on my shelf.

I wonder how he would have liked the screen adaptation of Bicentennial Man....

- Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" has been optioned (for the second time). The same group has optioned "Have Spacesuit, Will Travel."

As long as Paul Verhoeven hasn't signed on to direct, Moon should be pretty good. (Gotta love Manny.)
Spacesuit wasn't terribly exciting though. I wonder if it'll be reworked to be made more interesting? As it is, it seems like a good Verhoeven vehicle: "Reach for the Stars! Emigrate to Ganymede!" :)

- Morgan Freeman is still pushing to do Clarke's "Rendezvous With Rama."

I would really REALLY love to see a big studio do this. Freeman seems a little old to be playing an astronaut, though. Maybe a reworked Takagishi (sp) character?

I wonder if we'll ever see these on the screen? SIGH!

You never know. They redid the Time Machine, after all. :)


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