On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Kevin Tarr wrote:

> Was there a memo proclaiming Marvin Long to be a judge of someone's 
> character? Or that he is an authority on what a quality journalist is? 
> Maybe his realm is just embarrassments.

A judge of Geraldo's personal character?  Of course not.  Of his career as
a basis of whether or not I should rely on him for news?  Hell yes.

But to be fair, he does appear to have had a genuine journalistic career
before he became a TV ringmaster (and in the realm of modern mass media,
"journalist" appears to be an endlessly flexible word, so perhaps I
shouldn't quibble)...


...and is plausibly trying to rehabilitate himself,


That said, I reserve the right to associate the term "veteran journalist"  
with guys like, say, Bob Woodward, and to make judgements about where I'll
get my news based in some part on the careers of the people who claim to
be telling me the truth.

Meanwhile, I'm going to go see if I can get an exclusive from inside one 
of Osama's caves....

Summer grass - all that         |   Marvin Long
Remains of great warriors and   |   Austin, Texas
Imperial dreams.                |
 - Bassho                       |

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