--- "J.D. Giorgis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anger over lack of help from WHO 
> TAIPEI - The President, the media and ordinary
> Taiwanese are outraged by the World Health
> Organisation's (WHO) failure to send its experts to
> tend to Taiwan's SARS outbreak, despite reports of
> 14 confirmed cases.
> The reason: Taiwan is not a member of the United
> Nations.
> They have also lashed out at Beijing for not giving
> the WHO a tacit go-ahead to work with Taiwan's
> health authorities.
> Beijing, which views Taiwan as a breakaway province,
> has objected to its attempts to become a member of
> the UN or any other international organisation. 
> 'Sars knows no national boundaries,' said President
> Chen Shui-bian on Monday...

Idiots. If SARS turns into a deadly pandemic, massive
cooperation between nations will be necessary.  And
refusing aid _now_ will only help this virus become
more prevalent.  At least US experts are helping (and
the CDC and WHO work closely together).

Maybe we should call this epidemic of stupid
stubborness going around "Black Knight Syndrome."  :P

who would credit the poster who reminded me of this,
but I've already deleted that post!

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