> BEIJING, China (Reuters) -- China retaliated on Thursday 
> against a U.S. report critical of its human rights 
> performance, accusing America of turning a blind eye to 
> violations at home while "pretending to be the world's judge 
> of human rights." 

Unfortunately, China may be right. We (the US) make a big deal about
other countries abuse of human rights, but we tend to overlook the
abuses in the US because we are used to them. Certainly the US is not
doing the same type of abuse, but there is plenty of human rights abuse
that is probably unique to America.

Also, the below story seem to be somewhat related to the accusation by
Chine. It is ironic that this thread appeared as I was preparing to send
this story to the list. 

This story appears to be genuine, and it makes me very sad and angry.
Granted, it is only months after the WTC attacks, but if true, it still
should not have happened.

Atrocities in American Airports 
By Ricardo Abude 

If you, or someone from your family, have any plan to visit the US in a
near future, I strongly suggest you to continue reading this text, where
I describe the experiences I had in LA International Airport, late Feb
24, 2002. 

Complete story....


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