In a message dated 5/25/2003 10:29:37 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Correction: Mules are the sterile offspring of horses and donkeys.
> (ass == donkey).  

Bob Z:
Yeah you are right I always confuse donkeys asses and mules.

Specifically, breeding a male donkey and a female
> horse results in a mule, while the opposite apparently results in a
> more horse-like "hinny".  At least according to this site:
> To me, that last point is pretty interesting.  I wonder what would cause
> those differences between a mule and a hinny, when I would expect that
> they would have pretty much equivalent DNA?  Could the pregnancy
> environment account for the difference?
> Bob Z; It is, if I remember correctly, a consequence of imprinting. In mammals the 
> parental source of genes can have a consequences. Typically one of the two allelles 
> from each parents is inactive in the child. So there is a difference depending on 
> which parent is a donkey and which is horse 

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