On 4 Jun 2003 at 17:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Diabetes is a progressive disease, however, so there is no guarantee
> that I will not someday suffer complications and/or have to start
> taking insulin. Still, the longer I can put that off, the better.
> Also, they may someday discover a cure or at least a better treatment.

Well, for starters there are the new testing kits coming out which 
can monitor sugar levels in the blood better. And type 2 diabetes is, 
perhaps, one of the best candidates TO be cured - the mechanisms 
behind it are relatively well understood, and much of the problem 
lies in the detection and not production...
> Type 2 diabetes is, to some extent, avoidable. Excess abdominal fat
> seems to interfere with insulin usage by the cells. Most Type 2
> diabetics, especially if and when diagnosed early on, are still
> producing plenty of insulin (in fact, some may be producing too much,
> leading to a later burning out of the pancreas), it just isn't working
> effectively. Losing weight - especially shedding abdominal fat -
> decreases this so-called "insulin resistance". Regular exercise, in
> addition to contributing to weight loss, also increases the
> effectiveness of whatever insulin one is still producing. The key, of
> course, is catching it early - and then doing what needs to be done.

People like me who retain an extremely active metabolism into their 
20's need to be careful as well, because you can suddenly surge in 
weight when you do finally lose it if you're not careful, and in some 
cases that can lead almost directly to type 2 diabetes.

Dawn Falcon


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