At 10:16 PM 6/7/03 -0700, Jan Coffey wrote:

--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robert Seeberger wrote:
> > why dogs and cats generally fart silently, and their theories include:
> > (1) the amount of gas produced is small, but potent, (2) the horizontal
> > orientation of their gastrointestinal system puts less pressure on the
> > anal opening, so the gas is expelled more slowly, (3) their anal
> sphincters
> > don't close as tightly as humans' because it takes less force to hold in
> > the contents of the colon -- again because of the horizontal orientation
> > of the gastrointestinal system -- and a loose anus makes less sound, and,
> > my favorite (4) dogs and cats don't feel embarrassed about farting, so
> > their sphincters are more relaxed, leading to less noisy flatulence.
> >  Mike F. points
> > out that many dog foods are soy-based, so on top of all the above
> factors,
> > add beans and stand back!
> 5) No cheeks, perhaps?

6) Hair

Not usually over the opening.

One-Eyed Cat Maru

-- Ronn! :)

God bless America,
Land that I love!
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam…
God bless America!
My home, sweet home.

-- Irving Berlin (1888-1989)


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