> From: Gautam Mukunda [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> A friend of mine (a Green Beret currently serving in
> Tashkent, having just left Baghdad) just sent me a
> (very funny) letter in MS Word Format talking about
> his experiences.  I was hoping to publish it on my
> blog (he has approved the idea) and was wondering if
> you guys had any ideas about the best way to go about
> it.  Unfortunately when you save the letter in a
> different format (as a Web Page, for example) it tends
> to screw up the formatting.  Thanks for any suggestions.

Perhaps this will work...  Save it as a text file and put <PRE> </PRE> tags
around it.  That's for preformatted text.  Then the browser will just
display it as is and not try to mess with it.  I do that here for some
reports that we want to display in a browser but don't want to take the time
to rewrite into HTML format.

 - jmh

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