For those who care...  I finally figured out what happened the other day
when the server misbehaved.  I had forgotten that our MTA is chrooted, so it
has its very own copy of resolv.conf, which we failed to update when our ISP
changed.  It was still able to talk to our local caching name server, but
apparently that server either wasn't getting MX records or not
getting/delivering them to the MTA in a usable form.  It's updated now, but
I'm going to continue to relay through our ISP unless that creates a
problem.  And that should also avoid any spurious blocking of our MTA.  We
can only hope that *their* MTA won't be spuriously blocked!

Along the way to improving things, I also added further spam protection.
That won't affect the list directly, except that the server may now perform
a bit better because dictionary attacks will be stopped fairly quickly (the
kind of attack I was griping about a few days ago).  It might eliminate some
work for Julia and me, by reducing the number of bogus messages that leak
through for moderation.

If you don't understand any of that, well... you could learn about
administering open-source MTAs, but why anyone would do so voluntarily is
beyond me.


Nick Arnett
Phone/fax: (408) 904-7198


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