Can somebody help me out here?

It seems that there are two basic types of people, albeit with some
gradations, and hence, two types of Brin-L'ers.   These people are
essentially those who believe in God, and those who do not.

Yet, it seems that people who believe in God, at least on Brin-L, seem
perfectly capable of discussing non-belief in God in a calm and civilized

In contrast, the people who do not believe in God, or at least a number of
those people on Brin-L, seem to be utterly incapable of discussing belief
in God without being petulant, insulting, petty, and ultimately
uncivilized.  I mean, this has now happened how many times in the last six
months?   And always from people in what is roughly the same belief-set.   

Why is this?

Is it some inherent correlation with non-belief in God that causes one to
react like a Neanderthal against those who profess a belief in God?   Or is
it just that Brin-L is a small sample, and our resident anti-religionists
who are speaking out on that subject as of late are just doing a poor job
of representing the larger group of people that hold their viewpoint?

Otherwise, I just don't get it - but that attitude from the
anti-religionists here certainly makes Brin-L a much more not-nice place to
be.    Agreed?   Its not that I don't want atheists around here - in fact,
I find challenges from atheists very interesting and intellectually
refreshing.   I'm just wondering if there's a way to have that viewpoint
represented here other than via the flame-bait and the nasty snide remark.


John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03

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