Yesterday I saw 28 Days Later. The reviewers have combined to make this
one of the best rated movies of the year, which is the main reason I
went to see it. Since the reviewers liked it, I thought it must have a
much better plot than the typical horror movie. I was wrong. It reminds
me of last year's movie (I seem to have blocked out the name of it from
my mind) with Tom Cruise and the precogs which also got extremely good
reviews, presumably because it seemed fresh, but the plot was so full of
holes a teenager could make a pair of fashionable jeans out of it.

Anyway, here is my capsule review. I don't think there are any spoilers,
since I'm not giving away any specific plot points or endings. First,
you should know that the film was apparently intentionally made to look
grainy and out of focus. I suppose it is supposed to add ambiance, but
it didn't work for me. If I pay my $6 for a movie, I want it to be
sharp, clear, and in-focus.

Okay, so the premise is that some sort of extremely contagious
chimpanzee virus is released near London. The virus also infects humans
through blood and mucous membrane contact. Any mucous membrane contact
with the blood or saliva of an infected will cause infection in about
20 seconds. When you are infected, you appear to become completely
mindlessly violent and incapable of speech or thought, but actually
you maintain enough of your senses to viciously attack only UNinfected
people, and evidently you stop short of killing the uninfected people
-- you simply bite them and then move on so that they can become like
you. Oh, and infected people don't like sunlight.

28 days after the release of the virus, London is a virtual ghost-town
by day. Our heroes, who have survived the first 28 days without
infection each in their own way, band together and the movie follows
them as they cope with what has happened, search for other survivors,
and try to decide what to do. There are the expected gratuitous
suspense-horror movie scenes to try to cause you to jump in your seat
or lean close to whoever you came with. One thing worth noting is that
there are a couple shots near the beginning with full-frontal nudity --
but probably not what most of you are expecting when I say that.  Let's
just say that most guys won't be thrilled, but maybe some ladies will
find it amusing.

There are a few engaging ideas in the film, and the acting and dialogue
seemed realistic and well done. And there is an amazing climactic
scene that seems to last for quite a while (I didn't time it) that is
sure to get your adrenaline pumping. But overall, I can't recommend
the movie unless you are just going for a little bit of mindless,
adrenaline pumping entertainment. If you are looking for a well though
out, science-fiction-like plot, then you will be disappointed.

"Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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