From: "Jim Sharkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ancient precursors aren't exactly a new idea in SF. Sounds more like a ripoff of Star Control II/SC III anyway.

Of course, since Star Control II was a *GREAT* game, at least they're borrowing from the best. :)

Star Control 2 is one of the best games I've ever played. I still occasionally listen to some mp3's of the music from it! (OTOH, SC3 was pretty much a disappointment for me.)

FYI for other SC2 fans:
There's a group of fans (very slowly) trying to create a new Star Control game:
They intend to do both the whole adventure and combat portions, but right now only the melee-mode combat is available. It's actually pretty decent, but still fairly buggy yet.

The original developers have released their SC2 source code as well, and there's another fan-based project to port it to assorted OS's here:

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