From: Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 11:29:54PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Does it change anyone's perspective recalling that as many people
> believe in aliens/intelligent life (or some such), as believe in
> religion?

It doesn't change mine. I don't "believe" in intelligent life.

[Slight connotation change by snipping there, but it was worth it.]

We even have about 6 billion examples of intelligent biological life forms handy to bolster that claim. ;-)

So we have pretty undeniable proof that the universe supports intelligent biological life; finding more examples is, as Erik says, just a matter of looking. There is no faith required. Either we'll find more examples or we won't, but it doesn't change the fact that some do, in fact, exist, right here on Earth.

Compare/contrast with belief in supernatural beings, where we don't have any handy, uncontestable examples of any members of the entire class of such entities.


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