--- Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Deborah Harrell wrote:

> >Apparently we've inadvertantly helped develop a
> >bacterium that needs our waste to live:
> >
> >"...Vinyl chloride is one of the most common and
> >hazardous industrial chemicals. It can linger in
> >soil for hundreds of years and is present at about
> >third of the toxic Superfund sites listed by the
> >Environmental Protection Agency.  It 
> usually accumulates as a deteriorated form of more
> >complex compounds found in dry cleaning fluid and
> >metal cleansers.
> >"..."These organisms can only grow when the
> >contaminants are present," he said. "When the
> material
> >is gone, their numbers decline because they don't
> have any food. So really it's a perfect system."
> Didn't I read that novel 30 years ago?

Yep, I read that one too! ...Also about 30 years
I wonder if the Good Doctor read it also, to the
Gubru's chagrin?  ;)

Well, Saliva IS An Effective Emergency Eyeglasses
Cleaner Maru  ;)

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