Marvel scraps plan for comic book Princess Di

Storyline was to be called 'Di Another Day'

NEW YORK (Reuters) --A U.S. comic book publisher has decided to let Princess Diana rest in peace, dropping plans to reincarnate her as a mutant comic superhero this fall, the company said Thursday.

Marvel Enterprises Inc. said in a statement that "upon reflection" it will remove Diana and all references to the royal family in its upcoming "X-Statix" monthly comics.

The about-face follows a recent announcement by Marvel Comics that it planned to introduce Diana as one of a team of super-powered mutants in a five-series storyline called "Di Another Day."

Company spokespeople were not immediately available to elaborate on the decision.

Diana was to have been a character in a satirical look at fame and pop culture, Marvel said earlier this week.

Buckingham Palace called the idea "utterly appalling" and a "cheap attempt to cash in on Diana's fame and the tragic circumstances surrounding her death."

Copyright 2003 Reuters.

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