Tom wrote:

> Well...there are a _few_ semi-spoilers at the end.
> I loved the LXG comic book, I think it was a grand conceit; I think
the movie
> is a huge letdown.
> Spoilers (of a sort; some are more like nitpicks):
The thing that's been bothering me is the Tom Sawyer thing - if Tom
Sawyer was in his teens before the Civil War, why is he so young in
1899?  Has he been cryogenically frozen or something?  Or is no
explanation given on the basis that no one really cares how old Tom
Sawyer should be?

Feh.  Might go see this when it hits the dollar theatre, but they've
already excised the elements from the comic that I found most
appealing, and I doubt I'll be able to divorce myself from the comic
enough to enjoy what's left.

Adam C. Lipscomb
Read the blog.  Love the blog.


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