George wrote:
BTW, Mr. Vinge has come up with two brilliant and frightening concepts,
being "Bobbled" and being "Focused."

That's just how I usually describe a couple of concepts from John Cramer's _Einstein's Bridge_. The concepts are "Reading" and "Writing" but they don't exactly mean what you think they will.

_Einstein's Bridge_ starts out really pulpy, but about halfway through, the book takes a *serious* left turn and becomes a whole different story than what you thought you were going to be reading. After that point, it becomes hard SF with interesting things happening with genetics and a fascinating alternate interpretation of quantum physics called the Transactional Interpretation (TI). The original paper on this interpretation was written by Cramer and published in "Reviews of Modern Physics," and is available online at:

Does anybody on the list have an opinion on TI as opposed to the standard Copenhagen Interpretation?

Reggie Bautista

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