Space elevators have an image problem, mainly due to two prominent science
fiction novels. They appear either ungainly impossible, or so potentially
dangerous to the planet itself you would never dream of building one. With
the science now indicating that they are potentially near-term transport
systems, it's time to review the fiction in relation to the possible
Three publications by Pearson in 1975/6/7 and work done by Moravec and
published in the Journal of the Astronautical Sciences in 1977 were enough
to prompt Arthur C Clarke to write "The Fountains of Paradise" and Charles
Sheffield "The Web Between the Worlds" - both published in 1979.

Clarke wrote of a world developed to a point where the weather systems could
be controlled to produce designer-sunsets. A lone architect designs a
40,000km elevator consisting of four tubes. With a pair each for up and down
travel, and regenerative breaking used to minimize the power losses.

The first attempt to lower a wire to Earth fails when it gets entangled, and
the design is changed to that of an inverted square tower. A small iron
asteroid is moved into Earth orbit to act as a counterweight. The four sides
of the track will feature superconducting cables backed by fusion power

Ultimately, the tower stands for 1500yrs, growing to be 500m on a side with
a city built at the 1500km level. Half a billion people eventually settle in
orbit for a zero-g lifestyle.

In a later printing, Clarke claims his inspiration came from much earlier
articles from 1966, but the resurgence of interest and writing prior to 1979
was timely. He also says that he may have been too conservative, and that
the tower may be a 21st century achievement. The latest research proposes
'early' 21st century.

Red Mars
The next great opinion-forming novel was "Red Mars", by Kim Stanley Robinson
in 1992. A captured asteroid is mined using nanotechnology to extend a
graphite cable 37,000km down to the surface.

Elevator cars take several days to make the journey, and are thirty stories
high. But the main image from this incarnation is when the cable is brought
down by revolutionary action. It twists around the planet at 21,000km per
hour, with horrific consequences.

"Red Mars" was part of a trilogy. In "Green Mars", a replacement cable is
made using Carbon Nanotubes from another captured asteroid. Cars travel up
and down the cable at the same time to minimize energy losses. It's no
coincidence that both these cables are called 'Clarke'.

The "The Fountains of Paradise" elevator is used to promote the concept that
many people would wish to travel to, and even live-in, low Earth orbit. In
"Red Mars", the cable is the main transport system, and seen as an essential
'umbilical cord' for the new colony.

Tower of Babel
Space tethers have been discussed in international workshops annually since
1983, and by the time that "Red Mars" was written had identified the issues
of material strength and production.

However, even as late as 1999, these workshops were becoming confused in
their own clouds of science and fiction. The Advanced Space Infrastructure
Workshop on Geostationary Orbiting Tether "Space Elevator" Concepts, held in
June 1999 at the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, for instance. The
history section of the conference report tries to claim that the origins of
space elevators could be traced back to Genesis 11.3 and references to the
Tower of Babel.

They also concentrated on the non-fixed tethers, which do not go all the way
to the Earth's surface and consequently require mach 16 aircraft vehicles to
reach them. Even more worryingly, they considered the idea of building tall
towers - up to 50km in height.

The significant point here is that as late as 1999, the materials issue had
been acknowledged, but the thought processes had been allowed to dream back
into 1950's style fiction. Basic desk research shows that the Tower of
Babylon dates back to the time of King Nebuchadnezzar II who lived from
605-562 BC and rebuilt it to stand 295 feet high. It was nothing more then a
ziggurat, honoring the god Marduk.

Clearly, the scientific thinking on space elevators had broken down and a
more rational appraisal of the technology was long overdue.

Tapes and Lifters
The NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts (NIAC) commissioned Dr Bradley C
Edwards to study all aspects of the construction and operation of a space
elevator, and Phase I of the report was published in late 2002.

The report very specifically addresses design and operations, which had
until then escaped close scrutiny.

Firstly, the elevator would not be a cable. It starts as a 1-micron thick
piece of tape 91,000km long, tapering from 5cm wide at the Earth's surface
to 11.5cm wide near the middle. This tape would be taken up by shuttle
together with some booster rockets. It would then be 'flown-down' to the
surface whilst the booster rockets provide the required counterbalance
beyond geosynchronous orbit.

Centripetal force throws the higher part of the tape away from the Earth,
whilst the effect of gravity on the lower mass of the tape keeps it in
tension. This first link is capable of supporting 1238kg before breaking.

That's enough to allow more 'lifters' to add additional tapes to increase
the strength of the elevator to a useful amount. This takes a total of 207
lifters and nearly two and a half years to complete. In its final form, each
new lifter is capable of carrying 13,000kg and then adding their own mass to
that of the counterweight when their job is done.

Production Issues
Carbon NanoTubes are proposed to be the main material for the tape. These
were first produced in 1991 (the year before "Red Mars" was published), with
3cm ropes being produced by 1998. The strength of these laboratory-produced
NanoTubes confirmed people's predictions that this material would have the
strength that a space elevator would require.

Moving asteroids around the solar system is not a requirement for a space
elevator, you can 'build' the counterweight using your own construction
equipment. By flying the tape all the way down to the ground you do not need
tall towers and fast aircraft to connect to your orbital transport system.

A main concern is how to produce 91,000km long tapes, when the present
capability is only a few centimeters. The tapes they have defined in this
study are Carbon NanoTube/expoxy composites. Standard composites use these
in a 60/40 ration, but this design proposes only a 98/2 ratio to minimize
the mass of epoxy required - the rest would be bare Nanotubes, required to
be at least a centimeter in length. This reduces the design issues to the
high-volume production of NanoTubes and how to operate the elevator itself.

The study highlights most of the risks that can be identified. Meteor
strikes, hurricanes, terrorist attack, even to the falling of the ribbon

In "Red Mars", the falling cable causes destruction, but with this design
all you get is thousands of miles of carbon-based tape fluttering to the
ground at the speed of a sheet of newspaper. Hurricanes are avoided by
careful selection of the ground site, which also addresses the lighting
strike risk.

A damaged cable ribbon is intended to be capable of in-situ repair, whereas
a broken one only causes inconvenience until a replacement length can be
flown down. If lifters become detached from the ribbon then parachutes or
re-entry vehicle solutions are required.

Power Systems
For powering the elevator, Clarke had to bring in nuclear fusion and
superconductors. This NIAC study proposes that power requirements for the
initial deployment of the tape would be minimal and met by solar arrays or
batteries. The deployment itself would actually generate excess power.

The report mentions the very problems that affected the Clarke cable - those
of a tangled cable as it is deployed at the rate of 200km per hour, and
identifies the need for appropriate mechanical control of the tension.

The lifters that climb the tape to add new strands are powered by beaming
power onto their solar panels. With this and additional power coming from
the locomotive system beyond geosynchronous orbit, getting rid of excess
power is actually more of an issue. This technology is under development by
several companies.

So no exotic power systems are required for the construction or operation of
the cable, and much of the technologies required either already exist or are
being worked on as near-term objectives. Such a system is highly scaleable.
Once in place, a space elevator can be used to build another, thereby
increasing capacity in a predictable manner.

One of the aspects of the elevator in "Red Mars" is that it had to oscillate
to avoid hitting the moon Phobos. This design identifies a similar need to
avoid low Earth orbit satellites and space debris. The solution is to ensure
that there is adequate warning to move the elevator, and using a sea-based
anchor station to do this.

Real World Numbers
Taking the design process to the ultimate stage, that of time and cost,
reveals some real-world numbers. The first cable would cost around
$40billion (50% of that being contingency), whilst a second cable would cost
only $14billion. The construction time for the first elevator is scheduled
to take 10 years, with another ten elevators built in the following decade.

However, there have been lots of changes since the report was written. A
current program is $7-10B, with a 15-year cycle to build. That assumes 2
years of research into the material sciences, with some additional testing
and research on other aspects. After 3 years of design and engineering, the
actual "cutting metal" and building of parts for the system will begin. That
will take another 7 years, and then 3 years for launching, on orbit
assembly, and final integration.

They take the opportunity to propose how to make use of this space asset,
with a large space station capable of housing hundreds of people, and the
construction of a Martian elevator on Earth. It would be lifted into Earth
orbit and then thrown onward to Mars itself to allow for unmanned and later
manned exploration. No great detail, simply a possible roadmap for the use
to which tethers can be put for the next fifty years.

The space elevator has been a concept ahead of its time for too long and the
implications of mass access to Earth orbit and beyond need to be considered.
The remaining work of the report's writers is to further refine their
studies, whilst existing commercial industry works on the production related

In terms of funding, an elevator is not outside the realms of commercial
business, although the business case for it needs to be confirmed. At
present, this may be simply put - whoever owns the first space elevator will
control economic access to space for a long time to come.

Already the commercial development of space elevators has begun. LiftPort is
a new group of companies that has sprung into being as a direct result of
this study. The rest as they say, is future.


New News Maru



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