Hello everyone,
    My name is Patrick Schlichtenmyer. I used to be a subscriber to this
list a while back. I left because of other events transpiring in my
life; recently I have been thinking of the list and I decided to drop
in and see what's up.

    A little about me and my interests: My favorite authors are David
Brin(duh!), Stephen Baxter, and J.R.R Tolkien. I could list many more,
but these will suffice for now.

    I have recently got into the hobby of chainmailling. Not for any
role-playing reason, but simply because (to my suprise) I enjoy doing
it for its own sake. I have a nice patch of european 4in1 mail about 8
by 8 square inches that took me about 6 months to do(hey, I'm still
learning! :)).

    I live in San Diego, California.

    I am a Roman Catholic.

    Subjects that I find interesting are quantum mechanics, philosophy,
theology, archaeology, and astronomy to name a few.

    I am currently reading "Kiln People" by David Brin, and I am finding
it very fascinating.

I hope that was a decent introduction, and I hope to have many good

Best Regards,

Patrick Schlichtenmyer
"Be Silly. Be honest. Be kind."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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