>Come on Tom, think! If you know he has no WMD handy, isn't that the ideal
>time to clobber him? It's a no-brainer.

Well, I myself would be reluctant to accuse Dubya & Co. of not having brains...

It's okay to clobber him - except that your rationale for doing so is that you have 
incontrovertible proof that he HAS WMD and you know exactly where they are. Kinda 
disingenuous to be claiming publicly that Saddam's GOT the stuff if you know secretly 
that he has just finished DESTROYING it. 

As I said, it's all speculation on my part. And in any case, you haven't answered my 
first question, which is: if Saddam DID destroy his nukes - why didn't he tell us? 
(Reminds me of that great bit from _Dr. Strangelove_ in which the Russian ambassador 
has just admitted in the War Room to Russia's possession of a Doomsday Device, and 
Strangelove says, "But...ze whole point of ze Doomsday Device...iss negated...if you 
keep it a secret - vy didn't you tell ze vorld??!!??!!??")

Tom Beck


"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the last." - 
Dr Jerry Pournelle

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