At 12:26 AM 8/2/03 -0400, Erik Reuter wrote:

It seems to me that seeing malice in vigorous discussion is your
forte. I write about what I think is important, and argue against things
that I don't think are correct. I expect a high standard from people who
post on serious topics here, and when I don't see that, I will point it
out directly or indirectly. The only "winning" I can think of is when
the discussion is interesting and insightful, or on factual matters,
when a mistake is corrected.

Unfortunately, sometimes you give the impression that the "mistake" to be "corrected" is that the other list member in the discussion disagrees with you. Or that the other list member says something on the topic at hand which you personally are not interested in at the moment. In either case, your response seems intended to bully that person into silence. If this is not the impression you mean to give, perhaps a review of your tactics is in order?

-- Ronn! :)


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