----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Erik Reuter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: OT: Math and Science

> If one examines social realism, one is faced with a choice: either
> reject the subcapitalist paradigm of consensus or conclude that culture
> is used to reinforce hierarchy, but only if narrativity is distinct
> from sexuality; if that is not the case, Lyotard's model of social
> realism is one of "textual narrative", and thus part of the paradigm of
> truth. Bataille promotes the use of the capitalist paradigm of context
> to modify class. Thus, a number of discourses concerning the economy,
> and subsequent fatal flaw, of precultural society exist.
> The paradigm, and hence the absurdity, of postmaterialist textual theory
> which is a central theme of Stone's Platoon is also evident in JFK,
> although in a more structuralist sense. However, if the subtextual
> paradigm of reality holds, we have to choose between the capitalist
> paradigm of context and capitalist posttextual theory.
> Several materialisms concerning textual discourse may be found. However,
> the premise of surrealism holds that expression must come from the
> masses. The subject is contextualised into a neocapitalist narrative
> that includes reality as a whole. Thus, Prinn[1] suggests that we
> have to choose between structural appropriation and constructivist
> libertarianism.
> "Language is part of the futility of art," says Marx; however, according
> to Pickett, it is not so much language that is part of the futility
> of art, but rather the genre, and some would say the rubicon, of
> language. In The Limits of Interpretation (Advances in Semiotics), Eco
> analyses rationalism; in The Island of the Day Before, however, he
> denies Derridaist reading. Thus, Lyotard uses the term 'the posttextual
> paradigm of consensus' to denote the difference between society and
> truth.


Fnord Maru


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