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  NASA: Shuttle could fly in March
  Launch would take place in daylight to give cameras clear view
  By Dave Santucci
  Tuesday, August 5, 2003 Posted: 6:05 PM EDT (2205 GMT)

Setting an ambitious timeline for the shuttle's return to space, a top NASA official
said Tuesday that the craft might fly again March 11.

Bill Readdy, NASA's associate administrator for space flight, said the shuttle could
be made to fly safely between March 11 and April 6.

Readdy said the expected launch would happen during daylight to give high-resolution
cameras the best views of any problems during launch. During space shuttle Columbia's
launch in January, one of the cameras that would have captured the best images of
the craft's left wing was out of focus. The wing was struck by insulating foam 82
seconds into the flight, which investigators say allowed superheated gas to penetrate
the craft during its re-entry February 1, ultimately tearing the ship apart and killing all
seven astronauts aboard.

After a six-month investigation, the Columbia Accident Investigation Board is expected
to deliver its final report August 26. The expansive report is expected not only to detail
the causes of Columbia's accident but also to offer recommendations on improving the
space program.

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Reggie Bautista
Woohoo Maru

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