"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> At 07:10 AM 8/17/03 -0400, Erik Reuter wrote:
> >I think she'd be better off with a dog (if she has a yard or could get
> >someone to walk it for her). Failing that, she probably has a better
> >chance just crying and saying "don't hurt me" and letting the intruder
> >take her stuff.
> An even better idea would have been for the S.O.B. to get a job if he wants
> money rather than try to steal other people's possessions.  And she didn't
> have any way of knowing if he was there "just" to steal from her or he
> planned to get  some jollies by beating, perhaps raping, perhaps even
> killing a helpless victim.  And if you think that all women cry when faced
> with a stressful situation, you need to meet some real women.

In a *real* stressful situation where time is of the essence, the best
course is not to cry, but to act.  When the crisis is over, THEN you can
collapse into whatever emotion you want.  (Sometimes I need to cry when
it's all over, but I keep myself together and deal with the situation
rationally until it *is* over.)

Now, there *are* times when tears are useful.  Getting what you need or
want out of someone at the other end of a phone line, it helps
sometimes.  (Discovered this by accident, had been doing my darnedest
*not* to cry, but....)

And I won't go into detail on guilt trips laid on telemarketers.... 
(Before the "Do Not Call" lists, having the number listed in the name of
the now-deceased family member the number had originally been listed
under gave something of a good screen for telemarketers.  The rest you
can probably imagine without my help.)


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