At 10:35 PM 8/26/2003 -0500, you wrote:
At 10:19 PM 8/26/03 -0400, Kevin Tarr wrote:

I got my deer head mount back today, the cat is not impressed.

How did (s)he react?

-- Ronn! :)

<insert boring story>
First, the cat has spent 90% of this summer in the basement. It's not cooler down there, at least I don't think so. Maybe the whirring ACs scare him.
Second, I'm sleeping in the attic. The cat used to come up every night and sleep on the bed, or the couch, or the floor in front of the stairs. Now a week can go by and I won't see him.
This is the normal routine. I open the door to the house, and soon the cat comes from the basement for a few minutes, then disappears again.
I carried in a few things before the deer head. I propped the screen door open and the cat came to sniff the air. He never goes outside, I've carried him out the back door once and dropped him; he ran around to the front door to get back in.
I pulled the deer head out of the car and swung around to the house. When I came up the steps he ran farther into the house, a normal response. I came in and closed the door, then kneeled down with the mount, calling the cat over. He approached with his tail straight up, at 20% fluff. He came to my hand, but his eyes were on the deer the whole time. I gave a few head scratches, but as soon as I moved more, he ran to the next room swishing his tail, then stopped and looked back. I propped the head on the couch, I don't have a nail to hang it on yet. The rest of the afternoon the cat never left me, except when I went upstairs. The couch is next to the stairs.
I went to work. When I came back that night, the cat was already in the living room instead of the basement. I had the mount sitting so it was basically facing straight up, I doubted from cat level you'd notice it. I set it down on the couch like it would hang on a wall, so my brother would see it when he came home. I did a few things and went to bed. During the night the cat came up and was all over the bed, meowing at me. I'm a light sleeper and he was moving around way too much: around the pillows over my head, down one side, back the other, laying down, getting up. I'm really tired now.
The alarm went off. The cat and I went to the second floor, he stayed there while I showered, followed me back to the attic when I dressed. Going down to the first floor, he went down the stairs ahead of me, but stopped twice to look through the stair slats at the deer. The whole morning he followed me around. I was watching TV from a chair in front of the couch (you have to see it to understand, it's a big room), scratching the cat, he kept looking behind me. I went back upstairs, he followed me up and back down again looking through the slats the whole time. All morning he was vocal.
He doesn't seemed scared, just tense.

Kevin T. - VRWC
bambi no more


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