From: "Jim Sharkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Jean-Louis Couturier wrote:
Matt wrote:
>>It looks like we'll be able to download all our favorite old BBC shows!
>I sense an imminent _Dr Who_ binge.  And _Neverwhere_ and _Red
>Dwarf_ and >_Hitch Hiker's Guide_ and...

Strange timing, considering that Neverwhere is being released on DVD September 9. *Adds to Christmas list*

I've read Gaiman's Neverwhere, but had no idea they made a series out of it until I saw it listed at Amazon. Is the series any good? Faithful to the book? Worth buying the DVD set?

I remember enjoying reading Neverwhere, but I guess it didn't really capture my imagination, because I can't recall much about it anymore, unfortunately.


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