
US ends funds for African Aids programme 

Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
Thursday August 28, 2003
The Guardian 

The US government has cut off funds to an Aids programme for refugees in
Africa - six weeks after President George Bush toured the continent
promising to fight the disease - because it objects to the activities of
one of the aid agencies involved, Marie Stopes International. 
A state department official said yesterday that US law prohibited the
funding of organisations that support China's repressive population
policy - a definition sufficiently elastic to include Marie Stopes, which
runs family planning programmes there. 

However, organisations that work on reproductive health and Aids argue
that the decision betrays the Bush administration's wider hostility to
abortion. Its commitment to a rightwing Christian agenda has led it to
promote abstinence as a strategy against HIV-Aids in preference to
condoms, they say. 

The present funding cut is curious because Marie Stopes is just one of
seven agencies involved in a project to promote HIV-Aids prevention and
awareness in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Sudan, as well as in Sri Lanka,
Asia. The other partners are the International Rescue Committee, Care,
the American Refugee Committee, the Women's Commission for Refugee Women
and Children, John Snow International and Columbia University's
department of population and family health. 

News of the cuts emerged barely six weeks after Mr Bush toured five
African states to launch a $15bn (£9.5bn) Aids initiative. It was later
cut back drastically, with Congress approving just $2bn of the $3bn
sought in the first year. 

A state department official yesterday conceded that the consortium was
doing good work. Last year, the state department gave $1m to the
consortium, formed eight years ago, but it decided to end aid this year. 

"The nature of the decision was a legal one, and it is based on the
relationship Marie Stopes enjoys with the Chinese government," a state
department official said. 

At no point has the state department accused Marie Stopes of abetting
forced abortions and sterilisations. It appears to be implicated by its
association. "Marie Stopes has a relationship with the Chinese government
and its birth limitation programmes that has caused a legal impediment,"
the official added. 

Marie Stopes argues that its work on contraception in China is intended
to halt the need for abortion. "We are working for the opposite of that -
to reduce abortion and increase choices," Samantha Guy, a Marie Stopes
spokeswoman, said. 

She said the aid cut would force the organisation to cancel a new project
in Angola. 

Marie Stopes is the second agency targeted by the Bush administration,
which is rigorously enforcing a 1985 law that bans US federal funding for
groups that assist in enforced sterilisation or abortion. 

In July 2002, the White House overrode Congress to block a $34m award to
the UN Population Fund for its work. UNFPA works with Marie Stopes and
other agencies in China. 

It did so despite compelling evidence. UNFPA confines its activities to
32 counties in China, selected because they agreed in 1998 to abandon
targets and quotas for abortion, according to a spokeswoman for the
agency, Kristin Hetle. 

Organisations working on reproductive health argue that the law is being
used to mask a wider agenda of the Bush administration, which has poured
funding into programmes preaching sexual abstinence as a strategy against
teenage pregnancy and Aids. It has also promoted such tactics in foreign
aid programmes, favouring Christian organisations over other, more
established agencies. 

"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the
mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise, every
expanded project." - James Madison


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