At 08:01 AM 9/8/03 -0500, Horn, John wrote:
> From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> <tangent>
> When I was in grade school, we did soap carvings once.
> Everyone had to bring in a bar of soap and a pocketknife.
> (I'm guessing the pocketknife
> would be forbidden these days....)  I managed to carve a passable
> out of a bar of Ivory.  In fact, Ivory was the recommended soap,
> someone came in with another brand because she was allergic to
> </tangent>

I made a somewhat passable carving of the state of New Jersey out of
Ivory when I was in school.  Must be something that was done in a
lot of different schools.

Bet you're glad you didn't grow up in Hawaii. Or even Alaska.

Colorado or Wyoming, OTOH . . .

-- Ronn! :)


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