> a question which arises
> after reading the article is why there are apparently not any private
> schools available which emphasize that their academic standards are
> superior to those of the "failing public schools" but which are not
> associated with any religious organization?  Are there indeed no such
> non-religious schools, or is there some other reason why that is not a
> valid choice in this case?

It is my opinion that 95+% of the people advocating vouchers do not give the 
tiniest shit about improving education in general but are just desperately 
trying to get around the church-state barrier to funding religious education with 
public money. They want to fund their sectarian religious school with my 
money, and I say to hell with them. (Forgive the possible pun.)

Tom Beck


"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last." - Dr Jerry Pournelle

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