On Sat, Oct 18, 2003 at 09:31:18AM +0100, William T Goodall wrote:
> Some isn't more than none?

None isn't none.

If you think that it is accurate to call copying music files from a
friend "stealing", if you think that the only way or best way for
artists to make money from creating music is to sell recordings through
a recording studio, if you contribute money to a recording industry that
does a good job of treating the vast majority of artists as indentured
servants, then it is accurate to say that you have been as thoroughly
brainwashed by the recording industry as many people have been by the
religious establishment.

Is it "stealing" to decline to contribute to a religious charity,
despite the fact that this charity has helped some people in the past
and will not be able to help as many people in the future if you do not

Does the artist get "no money at all" if you copy a music file of a new
artist, give it to several friends who you think will enjoy it, and they
go to the artists concerts and buy CDs directly from the artist? And
they give copies of files from the CD to other friends, who give to
other friends, who then buy thousands of tickets to the next concert? Do
you think these people would have heard of this previously unknown
artist at all without copying the files? Do you think the recording
companies would have helped the artist if they didn't see huge profits
in it for themselves?

Do you think when you buy a music recording you actually own the rights
to use the recording to listen to your music? Do you think if you had
bought a phono record or cassette tape, when CD's came out the recording
industry graciously provided you a CD copy of the music you are licensed
to listen to, just for the cost of pressing a CD (a few cents) without
making a huge profit for themselves? Do you think with iTunes that you
will be able to use music you have purchased a license for on new media
that may come out in the future, without buying another license? Do you
think the "license" that you purchase actually gives you any important
rights to use the music in the best way for your needs?


Do you think it is "stealing" to download files of television series,
like, oh, I don't know, Angel?

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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