> How do you suppose the media would handle that story?
> My guess that if it didn't lead the evening news, it would be reported on
> it. It would at least be above the fold in many newspapers, and almost
> certainly would be a hot topic of conversation among the nation's radio
> talk-show hosts. Michael Savage would have a field day.
> But what happens when, instead, the circumstances are identical, and the
> suspect is a white man associated with a militia unit?
> It gets buried in the Grand Rapids Press. And that's about it.
> <<http://www.mlive.com/news/grpress/index.ssf?/base/news-0/106640215218397
> 0.xml>>
> ----
> Liberal media bias my ass.

Oops, you've discovered the big secret. Report immediately to Camp Ashcroft 
(aka Rupert Murdoch's anus) for brain readjustment therapy.

Tom Beck


"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last." - Dr Jerry Pournelle

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