> From: Bryon Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> First, there's this...
> >>'He' being the Great Satan of Redmond? :)
> >
> >I think that would be a compliment for Satan taught people to reason
> >themselves and not to trust or rely on so-called authority figures.
> >an honor being named after one of the great fathers of
> >rationalism.
> Hmmm, defending Mr. G, and then this...

Defending Satan.
> >>... a third as popular as Mac OS
> >
> >A third of nothing is...
> Putting down just about the only two serious competitors to MS...

Which both are teh s uck.
> OK, I'm on to you, Gates!  What have you done with the real The Fool?

We have rebuilt him.  We have made him stronger.  We have made him
smarter.  We have make him faster...


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